The embroidery Designs are from The Spring Rose Collection. Added are crystals and the lettering from your machine or software. |

Step 1) Make a pattern on pattern paper or your preferred pattern material. Cut a 11”x13” square. Then use something round to round off the bottom edge. A plate or glass will work.Step 2) Mark a line 2 1/2” from the top. Mark that on fold for the outside pocket.Step 3) Make a second line 3” from the top that will be your inside pocket also to be placed on fold. |
Now your pattern is made it is time to cut out your pieces.
1) Cut 2 from fashion fabric. (Mine is the striped print.)2) Cut 2 for your lining.3) Cut two from an iron on interfacing.
4) Cut 1 4 1/2” wide strip the width of your fabric with a iron on interfacing to match and cut 1 from lining for the gusset.
5) Cut a 6”x32” strip for the strap
6) Cut a 3”x32” strip of iron on interfacing. (this will be ironed on centering on the 6” strip for the strap.) |
Next it is time for the pockets.
Step 1) Place pattern on the fold at the 2 1/2” mark for your outside pocket and cut 2. Do the same for the iron on interfacing.
Step 2) Place pattern on the fold at the 3” mark for your inside pockets and cut 2. Do the same for the iron on interfacing.
Step 3) You should have 2 outside pockets and 2 inside pockets with interfacing to match.
Step 4) Iron on your stabilizer on each piece.

Time for Embellishment.Step 1) Unfold the outside pockets and embroider or decorate however you wish.
Step 2) Place the pocket on top of the outside of purse, find center and 1” down from the pocket and mark for snap placement. Mark on both pocket and purse making sure the snap will line up. You can also use Velcro.
Step 3) Do the same for both sides and inside pockets and lining. Leaving out the snaps on the inside pockets.
Step 4) Stitch down center of inside pockets making sure to backstitch at the top. |

1) Purchase or make cording to coordinate with your fabric and design and baste in place with a cording foot or an adjustable zipper foot. Clip curves. Do this on both sides of purse. |
2) Next sew gusset strip around front side of purse. Clipping curves3) Cut off excess gusset strip.4) Line up the other side of the purse and sew.
5) Do the same with the lining sides and gusset. Leaving a small opening at the side of the lining to turn later. |

1) Iron interfacing down the center of the strap.2) Fold outside edges toward the center and press.3) Fold in half lengthwise and press
4) Top stitch down both sides open side first then the folded side.
5) Pin straps to top of purse centering at the gussets. Baste
6) Put purse and lining right sides together lining up seams and stitch 1/2 seam allowing all around the top edge.
7) Turn right side out thru the whole left in the lining side.
8) Stuff lining inside the purse and press seam flat at the top.
9)Top stitch 1/4 inch around the top of the purse. |
10) Find the center on each side of the purse and mark 1” down for placement of the snaps.
11) Insert snaps or Velcro as before.
12) The final step is to close up the lining on the side by a whip stitch or zig zag with your machine.

Congratulations, You’re Finished !!! |